This is NOT a website for the State of Idaho or any public entity or institution.
All marks and images are © their respective owners.
  • What?
  • Why?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Who?

Innovation Weeks help people become better innovators.

HyperChange™ is here! We all need help to survive and thrive.

Launch events started 3/1. Main events start 9/21 until 9/30/2023.

In-person and online events will happen everywhere in Idaho.

Local Idaho Innovators create events. Oviture™ helps them succeed!

For most people, HyperChange is an unseen threat, lurking in the shadows. But to those that study the future...HyperChange is a powerful force for both good and bad.

You can survive and thrive
in times of HyperChange!

This is NOT a website for the State of Idaho or any public entity or institution.
All marks and images are © their respective owners.
  • What?
  • Why?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Who?

Innovation Weeks help everyone become more innovative.

HyperChange™ is here! We all need help to survive and thrive.

Launch events start 4/1. Main events start on 9/21 and end on 9/30/2023.

In-person and online events happen everywhere in Idaho.

Local Idaho Innovators create events. Oviture™ helps them succeed!

For most people, HyperChange is an unseen threat, lurking in the shadows. But to those that study the future...HyperChange is a powerful force for both good and bad.

You can survive and thrive
in times of HyperChange!

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By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies.

Register for an Idaho Innovation Week 2023 Event! Register for an Innovation Week Event!
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Sign-In to the Idaho Innovation Week 2023! Sign-In to the Innovation Week!
Sign-Up for Idaho Innovation Week 2023! Sign-Up for the Innovation Week!

HyperChange Is Here to Stay!

Innovation is the answer...

Idaho Innovation Week 2023
is coming 9/21 to 9/30/2023
Launch events are happening NOW!
2023 Title Sponsor
HyperChange Is Here to Stay!
Innovation is the answer...
From 9/21 to 9/30/2023
2023 Title Sponsor
Launch events are NOW!
Idaho Innovation Week 2023
Idaho Innovation Week 2023

Have you noticed how quickly things are changing in Idaho? Fueled by advances in technology, new business models, and other factors, rapid change is the new "normal." It's not just Idaho..."hyper change" is transforming the way we work and live everywhere!

You can prepare yourself for a Idaho Future filled with opportunity and challenges. How? Attend the Idaho Innovation Week!

From September 21st, 2023 to September 30th, 2023, the businesses, government and residents of Idaho and the surrounding areas, will experience a week-long focus and celebration of Innovation. Sign-Up now and set the stage for healthy growth and progress in the future. Everyone can benefit and is invited to participate!

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